Thank you so much.
Karli and i celebrated a year with another incredible meal at the hotel atlantis, they gave us a private gazebo on the beach and food that has my mouth watering just typing this.
To all of the American friends and family in my life: Happy Thanksgiving.
Karli, the OPP and i returned to Las Terrenas for a Carol Morgan traditional turkey feast. The rumor was that seventy-one people participated and the food and drinks were amazing. Of course it was followed by a thrilling sunset game of five-hundred in the ocean and then a bonfire with guitars and s’mores under the stars. Not too difficult to find something to be thankful for! video
The rest of the weekend was spent in full relaxation mode which was a little different then a year previous.
As seen in the photos the weather a year later…was perfect. i have to admit it was a little hard to swallow after the stress all the rain put us and our guests through a year earlier. We talked about it a lot, then at 5:45 on Saturday out of nowhere a storm blew in that would have killed our wedding – especially because no one could have seen it coming. We wouldn’t change anything.
Oliver liked having the beach to himself; He put himself on a steady diet of sand (literally by the handful) and absolutely loved it when i buried him (video). He has three new teeth coming in, including two on the top – it is really going to change his gummy baby smile.
I have had a year to mentally compose a better way to thank all of the people that helped make the twenty-sixth of november two-thousand and six so incredible – i am still at a loss for words. The friends and family that made it here will never fathom what your presence means to Karli and me. We returned to the Villa Marcus on Saturday night (Karli had to give me my ring – for the third time), just being there sent a wave of emotion over me unlike anything Playa Bonita has ever seen.
It is incredibly fitting that our anniversary will be forever linked to the giving of thanks.
Upon returning to the capital we all needed long baths to get all that sand out of our hair!