long overdue but what can i say - February is a busy month in our family. Since Ollie's celebration the Hughes came for a visit (pic), there has been a full lunar eclipse, i have been down south into true Dominicana on a mind-blowing solo kitesurfing adventure, we pulled one over on Karli for a baby shower, i got older, so did Karli, and independence day was celebrated - not bad really. Does kinda leave you wanting a nap though.
And i have more good news. Karli has promised to write about Ollie's birthday here on this blog! When i started this i wanted it to be a family collaboration of thoughts, images and writing and this is the first step in that direction. There is no doubt her re-count of such a great day will force you to wonder why you ever read any of my drivel, but until she gets it written here are some moving images to keep you entertained.
Friday, February 15, 2008
as promised:
so gorgeous...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!
I love my wife more then i could possibly express to you - and i love that she is gullible and always ripe for the surprising - got her good this morning with this painting.
This video started out as an attempt to thank the Great Grand Parents who (as always) were very generous over the festive season. We were able to re-do Ollie's room - and Diego-a-size it. He loves it, and we will let you all know how the big boy bed goes. In the end, the video ended up as some random videos from around the house, enjoy:
Can you believe he will be 2 on Saturday?!?! It is absolutely mind-blowing and i guess time just does fly when you are having fun. We would love for you to come to his fiesta which will be nice and mellow, poolside:
Karli making valentines for Ollie's class. I know that i owe you all belly shots, and i have taken them - i just don't have the files here - stay tuned.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
part three finally!
of course since Canada we have had a bunch of stuff going on including a long weekend in Cabarete, back to school, birthday parties, end of semester, hours of pool time, ...and we are all excited around the growing belly! more pictures will come soon.