Yesterday on a road trip to a new beach in the south we had some car trouble, we never did make it to the beach. We did have a 9 hour ordeal that had us meet (and appreciate) some wonderfully kind people. One of my favorite moments was asking the attendants at a gas station - in the middle of nowhere - if they knew where i could find a mechanic; there was literally no response whatsoever. Taking their silence as a no, i asked for a taco stand recommendation ... this response was a diatribe describing the wonders of the local cuisine. They love their food here (and so do i). Good times.
Pictured is Karli reveling in what very well could have been the greatest chile relleno ever made.
I am simply blown away with the amount of footage the holidays brings. I am a little overwhelmed to be honest, but i have a lot of good stuff that i want to share.
This is early December here in Vallarta; A staff Posada, Ollie's Christmas concert, some Vallarta, a trip to a jungle beach, a couple piñatas*, Noche Buena, Christmas morning, and lots of just goofin around: