Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So as I get ready to leave here and start summer I am writing about least I am consistent.

April was fantastic. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Granny & Boppy which is always a treat, did some camping, went to the boat access only community of Yelapa, played, laughed, celebrated Ella's 2nd, swam, kitesurfed, saw turtles, iguana, dolphin, pirates, rays, birds, fish, and were treated by the return of Uncle Foffy at the end of the month. We live a lucky life and are thankful for it everyday.

Speaking of giving thanks, i just want to publicly thank my family for allowing me - and often joining me - to kite more than 50 times in a little over two months. My wife's patience, forgiveness, and being the hottest girl on the beach everyday is what makes me the luckiest kid on the playground - thank you. My favorite sessions were the ones when you're there...

lens: Rudo

Thursday, June 03, 2010

March was a busy month around these parts, first I traveled to San Antonio to train to become an official nerd, the title: Google Certified Teacher has been added to my resume and all kidding aside it was one of the most incredible professional development opportunities that I have ever been a part of. Of course everyone involved wanted to eat Mexican food at every meal...

From there the whole crew went to Rome, Georgia to celebrate the 90th birthday of Raymond Waters. It was great celebration befitting an incredible man. Ollie, Ella, and i were able to meet some family members we'd never met and Karli reconnected with people she hadn't seen since she was Ollie's age. I am consistently amazed at how family, regardless of previous contact or distance, seem to know they are family at the youngest age and this was no exception. See the video!

As the world cup draws closer and closer i am thankful to have returned to a futbol crazed nation and excited to cheer el Tri into the second round. The signs, spirit, and jerseys can be seen everywhere these days; these players truly bear the weight and pride of the entire nation... i for one can not wait! (more mexicanisms)

This blog has really evolved to become more of a video-journal and this post is no different. Highlighted in this clip are a long weekend camping, an enchanted wedding on a magical Mexican beach with old friends, and our road trip down to Manzanillo and Boca de Iguanas south of Vallarta.

This pretty much brings you to Ella's 2nd with lots more to come, keeping up with this is a battle i continue to lose but i keep trying....