For a long time i started every post here with an apology, and usually said I wouldn't do it anymore. This isn't really even a blog so much but more of a place where i post after each of the kid's birthdays, and usually once with Karli's Christmas present - which seems to be a six month delayed post from our summer adventures (2017).
However a new family member warrants an announcement, and with that, please meet Wallingford Picketts (aka Wally):
We are all over the moon with love for this little guy who has been a dream to hang out with to date, he can't wait to meet you.
This summer we were blessed with another week long paddle through Temagami, disconnecting is so very important and feels more so in this world that seems to go a little faster every second! Here's some shots:
This has been a year with a lot of changes for us. New schools for Ella, Ollie, Karli, and a new job for me. We are grateful for so many wonderful opportunities. Thankfully somethings don't change ... and one of those things is our annual pumpkin cutting party. As the kids have aged the quality has gone through the roof and the competition was tighter than ever this year.
We flew in our judge from SanDiego and her careful eye and custom shirts are an absolute highlight.
This, and every pumpkin cutting party we've ever hosted has always brought a special Brantford family to the forefront of our mind, thankful for so many wonderful memories. This year that was especially true. Love you Sasha, KOEm
about six months behind ... which is pretty much on schedule. I had a flight to and from Toronto and a flight to and from Dallas and was finally able to post some images from Ella's ninth.
a couple years ago we made the decision to not celebrate birthdays with "stuff" but instead with experiences. It has been one of the best ideas we've ever had!
For Ella's ninth, we finally took the kids to LA and had days at both Universal Studios and Disney. I will admit this was a trip I was dreading and it was actually really awesome and incredibly fun - we knew we were doing it once and DID IT we did! So much fun.
This followed our invitation to celebrate the actual B-day with Kristy, Karl, Geoff, & Jamie in Hawaii - we continue to be so spoiled, and are so thankfully for the chance to explore this incredible part of ocean.
February is a busy time around our place, and 2017 has been no exception. We were blessed with the opportunity to return to Magical Mexico - this trip to Baja; where we feasted, danced, kitesurfed, swam, and checked off bucket list items. For this and so much fun we remain grateful for our time on this flying rock ...
uh oh ... when something happens twice is it the start of a new tradition, coincidence, or just some odd thing that deserved repeating?
Only time will tell ... but July 2016 we spent ten days paddling through Temagami. I feel so blessed for the opportunity to return with Karli to where I spent an entire summer in High School as a Junior Ranger (old habits die hard, and we left the portages and sites cleaner than when we arrived ... although I did leave my sandvik at home). We had some amazing winds, some great storms, a lot of sun, fantastic swimming, big cliff jumping, one dumped moonlight paddle (a surviving SLR), a long night paddle, and a seven day stretch without seeing another human being - heaven.
We may have stayed a little longer than some expected, but if we had our way we may still be there ;)
(it seems that like trip one - Killarney 2015 i need until Christmas to actually organize and share these images)
We had an amazing Crown Land trip and are thankful for the support of Camp Wanakita, Neil, Erin, Emily & Beydin of Temagami Outfitters, Doug & Marg of Northland Paradise, and the Hamlin School community for making this wonderful adventure a reality - thanks so much.