Wednesday, August 09, 2017

The FINAL Single Digit Birthday ...

wow, I think that makes me old!

about six months behind ... which is pretty much on schedule.  I had a flight to and from Toronto and a flight to and from Dallas and was finally able to post some images from Ella's ninth.

a couple years ago we made the decision to not celebrate birthdays with "stuff" but instead with experiences. It has been one of the best ideas we've ever had!

For Ella's ninth, we finally took the kids to LA and had days at both Universal Studios and Disney. I will admit this was a trip I was dreading and it was actually really awesome and incredibly fun - we knew we were doing it once and DID IT we did!  So much fun.
This followed our invitation to celebrate the actual B-day with Kristy, Karl, Geoff, & Jamie in Hawaii - we continue to be so spoiled, and are so thankfully for the chance to explore this incredible part of ocean.