Friday, December 29, 2017

Introducing Wallingford Picketts

can you spot him?

For a long time i started every post here with an apology, and usually said I wouldn't do it anymore. 
This isn't really even a blog so much but more of a place where i post after each of the kid's birthdays, and usually once with Karli's Christmas present - which seems to be a six month delayed post from our summer adventures (2017).

However a new family member warrants an announcement, and with that, please meet Wallingford Picketts (aka Wally):

We are all over the moon with love for this little guy who has been a dream to hang out with to date, he can't wait to meet you.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Temagami ... Part Deux

This summer we were blessed with another week long paddle through Temagami, disconnecting is so very important and feels more so in this world that seems to go a little faster every second!  Here's some shots: