Wednesday, December 18, 2019

ye olde fasioned holiday card ...



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actually readable text: 

'twas the day after new years, or maybe  - numero dos 
 Mark had to stay & ski powder - our first day of work ... toast
We did make it back; made it in just before lunch
but chasing adventure, would be a theme in 2019 - I just had a hunch

The year saw us canoeing, surfing, and riding trail bikes
Rock climbing with cousins and going on hikes
It was a year for the ages  I have to confess
What seems more than our share - we remain very blessed

But allow me to steal a moment; a brief stitch of your time
What's up with these Picketts; who's ages continue to climb
For regardless of my efforts, time just keeps a' movin
As impossible as it is to believe, life just keeps improvin'

First there's Karli, the queen of our clan
She's yogaing, and kiting, whenever she can
But that's old stuff,  you want to know something new?
Now teaching grade 4, making earrings, and on her Peloton too

Then there's Ollie, now 13, he plays horn in the band
But then grabs his surfboard and heads to the sand
The marks on the garage, prove he's not getting shorter
Mtn. biking, water polo - the family's newest snowboarder

Then Ella - remember her?  Well, she's now in grade six
Fills her time surfing and acting - a wonderful mix
In twenty nineteen, "I need something new" said my daughter
Who promptly got certified to SCUBA dive - underwater

Then there's Wally - the dog - he's just barely two
If you are around you'll want for nothing to do
You're bored you say?  We'll just quit your kvetching
Pick up a ball - toss it; and Wally'll go fetching

And what of the last of the letters in KOE[W]m
I am just hanging on, barely keeping up with all them
They keep me running and laughing; I'm one lucky dude
With so much in this life for which I owe gratitude.

We're happy and healthy and doing just swell
We hope this message finds you smiling and doing quite well
So much thanks to give; such great people so many
We hope our paths cross with yours in two-thousand & twenty!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Lucky #13!! - Pumpkin Cutters

It's the most wonderful time of the year ...

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Super Late ... but here...

Monday, April 15, 2019

Eleven Heaven ...

Listen to this while you watch.

Love you Ella

Monday, February 25, 2019

Almost a year late (but I am faking the date) - Happy 13th Ollie:

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Lucky #13 ...

Please play this while viewing ...