Sunday, January 02, 2022

ye olde Holiday Card ...

It's hard to believe we've made another trip 'round the sun

And somehow we're completing year twenty twenty one 

Adventures, exploring, I'll say it - we're having a blast

But in rare quiet moments - it feels time's moving too fast

Karli still yogas, paints, bikes ... she's always a' mover

And out on the dance floor - she's still the best groover

Ollie's now a sophomore  yup that's year number ten

Waterpolo, surfing, & best of all - he's a really great friend

Ella's in grade eight, at Hamlin - for one final year

She loves to play volleyball and ride her bike - "Guinevere"

I still go to the ocean and use my foil to ride waves

And when there's no wind, my mountain bike - it saves

Wally is still the most popular Picketts - it's clear

He chases frisbees, balls, and whenever possible the deer

We keep moving along, having too much fun I confess

And we're continual grateful for all which we're blessed

We hope the same can be said for you and yours - it's true

And we look forward to our paths crossing in 2022

Summer Road Trip ...


Some great times with our new family member: VANIMAL over 5500 miles