granny and boppy arrived on Friday and the spoiling began immediately...well that is lie actually - it began right after he woke up from his nap. They were on a plane at six in the morning and arrived at our apartment at quarter to two, not bad really, of course i rewarded them by throwing them in the car for a little more then three hours so we could go to Cabarete. A return to Cabarete and to Nanny Estates, which has to be one of my favorite places in the world. Mom and dad hadn't been there since i lived in Cabarete working at ISS, so they were flabbergasted by the changes that continue to go on (the last affordable nice hotel for families was closed a week ago for ... yup you guessed it, luxury condos). If you can't beat 'em join 'em.
The kiting was beyond epic (video coming soon). Saturday i kited from noon until five thirty, and Sunday i got on the water at eleven and left exhausted at two forty-five. Simply stated this weekend was as good as Cabarete (one of the best places in the world to kite) gets, and with four extra hands and eyes wanting to watch and care for Oliver, i had to take full advantage.
The OPP got his first pair of havianas escalating him to full beach bum status. Daddy is oh so proud. OK so i may have jumped the gun but he'll grow into them.
We ate in, we went to sleep early and the weekend was fantastic.
how you doin? in a surprise unannounced realease Ollie broke out blue steel at Sunday's breakfast, no one expected to see it until this years baby fashion awards...
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