There are lots more coming soon but for those of your living in "real time"; please know that Mexico is fantastic! The four of us have never been more happy. We have a house, friends, jobs which we are loving, and then there's the food....
We go to a new beach every Sunday and have a new love: chilaquiles. I am tracking these beach adventures (and will get them posted - with pics - here soon enough).
So 'nuff talk...
I'm happy that you guys are doing good. Ella is so big and running already I've missed so much but I'll let Mayra see it when she comes visit but I know she is going to start crying. when I showed her Oliver's first day at school she was nonstop she misses them a lot.
thanks Catina, your words are so sweet. We really do miss our "CMS family"
We also miss Mayra so much and hope things are going ok for her. Please give her our love, share these videos, and be sure she knows we love her.
I will see you in a couple weeks! (actually if you see mayra friends of ours here in Mexico are bringing an 8 year old for the TriConference week and i they need someone to watch him while they are in sessions. Of course i immediately thought of Mayra - can you see if she is interested? gracias)
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