Ok so this is very close to a re-post but I really wasn't happy with the video from last week and never did actually share it out, so I added some more images of Halloween fun and am posting it here. First though these shots are from a fun little lesson that Karli and i led with Ollie's class in California learning about Dia de los Muertos from his class in Puerto Vallarta. It was a fun day and getting the class together was a great experience on both ends that we hope to continue a couple more times this year. Here are some shots:
We have really been enjoying the change of seasons for the first time in a very long time and being treated to a successful pennant run by los gigantes was an absolute blast.
Monday, October 22, 2012
So the world has turned and shaken our family pretty well since my last post. As the dust settles (a little) we find ourselves living in California and continuing to enjoy life, smiling through all the new experiences and challenges that come our way. There continues to be much that we are thankful for and we acknowledge that we are truly blessed.
How's that for an undersell?
Regardless, one of the wonderful things that we bring with us is our family traditions, we continue to get outside together whenever we can and are loving the new adventures that the Californian countryside afford us. Another tradition we have brought is our annual pumpkin cutting party, which has been an event that started many moons ago in Brantford, and one we've enjoyed hosting since Oliver entered our lives.
(i removed the video as its just the first 90 seconds of the one here)
Now in its 7th year and third country the day was a great success. There are lots of new faces in this video; we miss our friends from the DR and Mexico, while we are looking forward to many more good times with the new friends we are meeting here.
So spring has sprung here in Vallarta, the mercury begins its ascent and the wind picks up. Of course it also means that another year has flown by with Ella, we are so lucky she lets us hang out with her. We were graced with a visit from Granny and Boppy and of course did it up right, enjoy:
note: Karli and i have a lot of guilt over the animal show at the waterpark we don't believe in this kind of treatment of animals, to be clear we went for the slides not the show and it is hard to say no to a four year old. They are amazing and beautiful creatures - to say the show wasn't enjoyable would be a lie, they are incredible creatures. We have taken the chance since to talk to the kids about the animals, their treatment, and debate around these types of shows. If you're an adult watch the Cove (warning the images will haunt you forever), and consider the facts of dolphin captivity (story) when you make this call. Everyone needs to make their own decisions (this postscript is about our guilt not about judging anyone); for us we can't do the dolphin experience ... although so much of us want the opportunity to interact more closely with these amazing creatures.
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Givelod Manis
For three years now the pre-school at ASPV has sponsored Givelod through the Children of Haiti Project. The biggest fund raiser is the annual Trike-A-Thon. The day is a lot of fun for everyone and we appreciate all the work that the pre-school staff does to promote service learning in our youngest students. Ollie and Ella raised a lot of money thanks to some generous donators, thank you all very much.
Dad had fun with his new GoPro too:
video from last year (about the 4:30 mark in the video)
from two years ago
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Ollie changed his restaurant of choice at the last minute from a taco stand to Lukumbe becuase: "they do a really good job of celebrating birthdays." He's right.
Well its official ... Ollie's six.
As I spent today playing with his new Star Wars and Hot Wheels toys (he was there too) i realized...perhaps i should still be six. Goodtimes.
There's a marked change for sure. He does the putting together now, I have been relegated to couch coach (and a proud one). He loves lego and has amazed us with what he has made. He tries hard, is a great brother, a happy guy, and cool dude.
We are very blessed.
We celebrated the big day with our family and then Friday had the real fiesta at PeterPiperPizza (gringoes think Chucky Cheese) where games, pizza, piñata, and great friends made for lots of laughs and had us sleeping soundly last night.
Here is 6-tastic*:
The holiday season is always a busy one, and we made the most out of it this year! It included Posadas, Fiestas, concerts, gingerbread, countless piñatas, and lots of skype time with loved family and friends around the globe.
Some highlights of our time:
the editing on this one leaves much to be desired - my apologies. hey but at least it isn't months and months after the fact!
our vacation also included a trip to Guanjuato which was previously posted.
Sunday, January 01, 2012
We spent the first part of our December holiday doing a little exploring in Mexico. Despite living here for three years we have seen very little outside of Bahia Banderas (Karli travelled extensively in Mexico some moons ago). We decided to go to Guanajuato (as well as nearby Dolores Hidalgo and San Miguel de Allende) which had received rave reviews from our friends - it did not disappoint.
Guanajuato is a gorgeous city nestled in a valley with colorful houses that cascade down the hillsides. It is extremely old and the mines that surround the city continue to pull out rich deposits of silver, which was the main reason the UNESCO world heritage site was settled. Many of the streets are not wide enough to allow for car traffic and instead wind in and around the homes and up the hillsides; those that do allow cars, are one lane and there is a complex network of tunnels that keep much of the traffic underground. With a thriving university campus there is a youthful pulse to the city and an abundance of art (Diego Rivera was born here), music, and great things to see, do, and of course eat. The family survived its first two overnight bus rides and i am thankful that the kids coped so well ... as i know it will lead to continued adventures (its in their blood).
In short, Guanajuato was a fantastic and rich trip that we highly recommend. (lonely planet)
Some of our adventures:
Our holiday was great and there is more great stuff to come (more traditionally Christmas) so stay tooned...
Much of this video could use some further explanation, we'd love to sit and share it with you: (some explanations/memories)
(3:50) While walking into the main plaza in Dolores Hidalgo (the birth place of Mexican Independence) a funeral past with the mariachi's playing behind. It was truly beautiful. Karli made me promise to get a mariachi band for her funeral, so if I check out first .... you know.
The doors and the street art in Guanajuato were absolutely amazing (photo gallery)
(6:14) This long "poster" is a chronological history of the world...from Adam and Eve. It was absolutely fascinating and unlike anything I have ever heard of or seen before. It was tucked away in a room we easily could have missed at the mine and was a true surprise highlight of the trip.
(0:48) 2007 Scorpions world tour ticket ... nuff said.