so every attempt that i have made at hitting "pause"

through the last year has officially failed. Despite all of them, Oliver is one year old. Of course every step has been more incredible then the one before it but i am constantly worrying that i am going to miss something or not totally remember a sound or a stage as we fly forward at "ludicrous speed." Great friends of ours just announced their pregnancy and when i reflect at my life over the past twenty-one months, the emotions, the events, i sometimes feel like i have been living at an amusement park: not quite sick but with an extra hit of adrenaline coursing through my veins non-stop.
(wow, where'd that stream of concsiousness come from?) and yes for the record – i love amusement parks.
So Ollie is one; this morning we opened presents with him in bed and contemplated whether or not we could still refer to him as "baby" or "the baby." What is the half-life of "the baby?" Sorry O but you are our baby.
Saturday we hosted a BBQ at our pool to celebrate the first

year of his life and had lots of our friends over for a feast of epic proportions. It was a wonderful day. i couldn't help but remember that it was February and we were hosting a pool party
(yeah i know i rub that in too much), however i sincerely hope that Oliver will also enjoy the thrills of a tobogganing party as well. Of course especially on days like this we really miss having our families here; i smiled on the inside however as the day was dominated by "adults" launching themselves into the water to catch footballs and Frisbees knowing that Oliver's uncles would be proud
(scene video here).
are too many pictures to go here so there is a little slideshow you can view it
i put the pictures up at a relatively low resolution, if you would like to have any of these at high resolution please contact me.Do you think Oliver is going to be a DJ? he's already got the
form down (video) and don't miss the little move he throws at the end of this clip (thank god he dances like his mom and not his dad!)
Time for a first haircut?
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