Of course it was worth it, morning sunrises, lounging by the pool even got a short session of kiting in, but "relaxing" it was not. Being “on” all the time with no one to pass off to was exhausting to say the least.
Saturday after my session we played a little disk golf and let a couple of his tias take care of him – this is what happens, beads and silk for el rey.
Sunday the wind teased but didn’t come through and Monday i spent the vast majority of the day trying to sort out our truck. Needless to say with a car battery and jumper cables in one hand and an eleven month old in the other we finally got it all to work out. Needless to say we were very happy to have Karli come back Monday night; happy that she had a great weekend, but far happier that she had returned to us.
(i have to be honest here i know this post is a little rough, I have been trying all week to get to it but just haven’t had the time – you will hear why in next week’s post)
This is the face that Oliver was making after three straight days with dad (no one blames him!):
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