April gets the little brother she has been dreaming of for nine months. I know she will be a wonderful and loving big sister! Time magazine did a whole piece this summer about the influence that siblings have upon our lives and although i haven't had the chance to talk to her about this new develop

Are those two incredible or what?
Debbie was the rockstar we all know her to be an

Speaking of pictures, i have been thinking a lot about the pictures that i take. Ever since i got my first SLR i have taken a tonne of photos. It has b

It is kinda funny the way that your world just seems to spin a little differently after having a child. Everything is just altered enough for you to know it. I have heard the difference between having one and two is equally world-altering - J&D we are waiting for your vote?
Well, i found out about Eric while getting in to a taxi to get my wisdom teeth pulled. So it was great to go into such a horrible experience with so

I can not imagine the guy who did the "work" on me (more like "went to work on me" - with similar tools to the ones used by street gangs in the north west - brass knuckles, hammers, screwdrivers, a pry bar...). He is an extraction specialist. That is what he does all day, every day. Differe

Well our little guy continues to move forward at a pace that is wonderfully exciting and terrifyingly fast at the same time. I am always worried that i am committing every stage into permanent memory - hence the digital camera. This week's new stunt is officially pulling himself to standing whenever he wants. Now trying to put him down before he is ready is officially hopeless, if you aren’t right on top of getting to him when he wakes up it can also mean that he is stuck in the net, which he seems to think is hilarious (i have to agree with him on this one).

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