
This weekend was our staff Christmas party which was an increibly great time. Lots of eating, dancing, drinking and laughing. Some friends and i did a red carpet and interviewed people as they came in, the video footage is hysterical. Of course the greatest part of the party was getting some time to dance with Karli, who - as always - was the most beautiful one inthe room (this picture was taken by a friend wayne through the candle holder).

On an hour and a half of sleep i got up with the surfers and drove the three hours to Cabarete. They were chasing waves and i was planning to be ready on the beach when the wind came up. The wind came, it was late however and inconsistent. The little bit of sailing i did get in reaffirmed my desire to become a wave sailer however. Sometimes you have to show the dedication even when the conditions don't cooperate - or that is what i tell myself (and my wife - who is incredibly understanding). The short session did make the solo night bus ride home a long one.
The flu has torn through our house this week taking no prisoners.
Oliver has started smiling again though and continues to be a hilarious distraction. Lately he has been "trying on" different laughs, it is really something to see. If someone in the room is laughing he will start laughing, then he will stop and laugh again at a totally different pitch and with a different style. It is like his mother trying on clothes, stepping back looking at herself with the little face she makes then heading back to try on the next one. We our anxious to see which laugh he decides to go with, we'll keep you posted.

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