Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Seriously did you ever think we would make it here? i have to be honest; i had my doubts, but congratulations to us.

A three week long Christmas vacation is a real highlight to being a teacher and it afforded us the opportunity to celebrate Ollie’s first Christmas with both sides of our family; a real feat considering that they are more than 3500 kilometres apart. It was a wonderful break and although we would have loved more time to see all the people we missed and spend more time with our friends and family, i have to admit it was nice to return to our own bed.

Now that Santa guy is only supposed to deliver gifts to the nice kids not the naughty ones right? If that is true how come we left with two suitcases and came back with four?

What did we do for three weeks? Well i hope you are sitting down…I can’t give you a play by play cause neither of us have time for that. What i can say is that we enjoyed family, friends, sites and sounds in SanFran, Brantford, Toronto and even places as exotic as Coburg to their fullest. The list of people we need to thank for their hospitality, friendship or just company is incredible - we are so lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends and family that we get to see a couple times of year.

To the friends and family we didn’t get to see, for our part we are so sorry and we really hope to see you either here in the beautiful Dominican or the next time we are in your neck of the woods.

Whether we saw you or not look for me on the big screen in The Good Shepherd (wedding scene about 15 minutes from the end), it is my debut and the Oscar buzz is deafening!

As usual our camera was going crazy and i have put together a little slideshow (link here), but for now here is Olver with some guy you might recognize:

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