last weekend was a long one here in the DR so we went to Cabarete. The weather was wonderful, the ocean was super flat and Saturday was windy. We stayed with friends right on the water and enjoyed hanging out, kayaking and relaxing. I really do love it there, even when there isn't wind.
Our days started with a trip to the bakery to get pastries and coffee before coming back for breakfast and then the relaxing began...pausing only to cook and prepare food before the relaxing resumed, la vida buena.

Work is still killing me but it really is amazing how a little time in the sand and on the water can give you the necessary perspective on life.
pics: (left) Aidan introduces the OPP to the wonderful worlds of cars, (above) Ollie discovers that the only thing better then one sun bed is ten sun beds! (below) a long weekend can really wear a guy out.
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