So last weekend we were invited to a child's third birthday party, it is exciting to meet people who live outside of our tight little international teachers world and we gratefully accepted. Then i found out it was at McDonald's. Now i remember with excitement Thursday nights of my childhood, when dad had late office and mom took us to MickeyD's after our piano lessons, those were the good ol'days. However, as i aged and read the likes of Naomi Klein and her like-minded friends i grew to think differently towards everyone's favorite redheaded clown; and the machine that Ronald represents. I don't eat there, and whenever i do i regret it. Then came along the likes of Super Size Me and Fast Food Nation - books and films i love. When i traveled i loved that i could find a McD's anywhere in the world and be guaranteed a free, clean bathroom without having to spend a dime.
All this considered, i wasn't thrilled at the idea of taking Oliver to McDonald's. However my beliefs are my beliefs, he will develop his own in his life. We won't make a habit of going; yet, we already live overseas, without a TV...what can i say, i don't want him to be the weird kid - not for my beliefs anyway.
Seeing the child marketing machine that is McDonald's from another lens was a heck of a trip; but at the end of the day - and i do mean really can't beat their soft ice cream cones:
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