Goodbye hockey hair…

It’s is true, despite Boppy’s insistence that Oliver would be a baby until h e was eighteen months old; his first haircut transformed him instantaneously from a baby into a little boy.
Yes, it was necessary and maybe even overdue but it is still a reminder of how incredible (and how fast) each second flying by is.
A windless weekend kept us around the capital; it did bring in some money through a poker game which went out three-hundred fold in the shape of a new car.
That’s right we spent another d

ay test driving and think we will purchase our new truck this week.
It is a two thousand Blazer and although i have been up late going over all of my hypocrisy surrounding it, that fact is: we simply need the clearance of an SUV here.
We still drive less then ten kilometers Monday thru Friday, and our new car (despite its V6) will be an improvement on ga

s usage and the environment then the our 4 Runner with its four cylinders is now. Have i convinced you?
i don’t think i would be typing this if i was a hundred percent convinced…
must be the driver that lives within my head. I am going to be so sad to sell our car, i really do love her, but it is time to go.
Becoming a father has vaulted the importance of airbags and reliability over the rugged toughness and adventure that “coach” has provided these last two years.
Beyond this, we have both accepted new positions at
that will keep us here a little longer so a newer vehicle just makes sense.
Karli will be the writing specialist for the elementary school and i will be the Academic Technology Director.
They are both incredible opportunities for us and we are very thankful.
We will sell her soon and she will continue to enrich someone’s life; hopefully she’ll come to visit.
You think i am acting but these tears are real.
A weekend around the house was really nice and relaxing:
lots of reading, lots of swimming, lots of playing and just generally kicking back; enjoying being with each other, hope yours was wonderful.