Well it re

ally can’t be argued that the new focus of the internet and blogs seems to be video.
It’s everywhere and why not really?
I have been talking a lot about it on my professional blog, but here it explodes into my personal one as well.
Why? because i don’t have many stills from this weekend.
Pretty relaxing weekend all in all, starting out

with a special Friday afternoon ultimate session that led to some pool time and then an impromptu fiesta at our house; great fun with great people.
Saturday was to be my first ever time playing spades, what it ended up being was a confirmation of something that i knew; something that had been looming right in front of me for weeks.
Oliver is a little boy.
It is great and with each step he is more amazing but the days of bringing him to a party and then setting up his pack-and-play in a spare room are gone.
He’s too smart for that, he knows where he is and what he wants which is amazing but at the same time it is another change.
Needless to say our spades night was a little shorter then expect

ed, we’ll win next time though (for the record: he was jovial and the life of the party and never complained, he just wasn’t going to sleep).
(see the baby in the cupboard video) Sunday was spent lounging before going to help out at the SpringFest activities at the school.
It really is qu

ite an event with loud music and more kids on a sugar rush then you will see anywhere outside of Halloween.
It is a good event and it earns a bunch of money that is largely spent on tech stuff for the school, so i am in full support!
This marks three weeks in a row without wind: yes, i am counting.
That said this is the last week before we get to go to Las Terrenas for a week, i think i can i think i can.
If it stays windy all week up there this little drought will be well worth it!
The OPP was laughing so hard while waiting for Karli to come down on our way out for the evening.
He continued until she arrived and then kept it up long enough for me to go back to the apartment and get the camera to capture it.
Good Times.
OPP hits the big time (err at least YouTube).