wow it amazes me that another weekend has come and gone, every time i sit down to write these entries i am blown away about how lucky we are. It really feels like every weekend is an adventure, and seriously: would we wouldn’t want it any other way?

Saturday Salinas was nukin’ and jefe and i were there. Some super long cruising and carving sessions. i could go into the details but it would likely not make sense to the vast majority of the people reading this, if you want details email me.

Sunday we got together with a visiting friend from our days in Ecuador. It was so great to hear about what was going on in my beloved Ecuador. i worry so much for it; its jungle, its beaches, its cloud forests, its volcanoes, it…incredible diversity - i just wish it wasn’t marred with oil and the greedy eyes that accompany it. i won’t get into that, as the vast majority of you have heard my soapbox rants too many times before. A huge reason for our friends visit was so Oliver could meet her son Mateo, the day before they were to play for the first time ‘Teo goes and gets chicken pox; it was so sad, we did get to hang out but the kids had to be kept apart from each other which was too bad cause it was obvious that they wanted to play (more standing his refusal to step for the camera continues, luckily i am diligent and patient).
So this is a pretty bland post, sorry i am swamped at the moment; but wanted to share a little while i can.

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