We had a really busy week between work and social stuff last week.

highlight was hosting twenty people for a sushi roll.
We are admitted sushi addicts, but rolling your own really can’t be beat.
In the end there was fifty or more rolls prepared and cut leaving all of us in a complete food coma and despite our best efforts there was still more then we could finish for lunch the next day!
I am not kidding; the picture shows one of three tables. This has been an event that we had been trying to get together for months and we hope the next one will be sooner!
Then there was the seventeenth of March.
What a great day this is.
As Oliver and i went to the orchid festival at the botanical garden

s i couldn’t help but reflect at some of the days i have scene: walking in a Galway parade while on
rugby tour in highschool, breakfast and lunch at the
Toucan before heading to the Wellington for a little
Gerry O while at
Queen’s, even in Bahrain - St. Paddy’s has always treated me well.
A comedic friend of mine here in Santo Domingo was going on the other day about how funny it would

be if the world treated all national holidays like we do St. Paddy’s Day; that is pretend we are Irish.
It was a great little bit - one that i am sure he will eventually take to a stage somewhere.
This year the wonder of St. Paddy’s continued with the second annual Colmado Crawl. As the colmado (a convenience store, they sell everything including beer and often have a group sitting around chatting and playing dominoes) culture here is incredibly strong friends invented the event last year. It combines a photo scavenger hunt with a crawl – jenius. Olive
r somehow made it behind the counter in most of the stops and continues to amaze at how calm he is being passed from stranger to stranger. This year’s shirts simply said, “tiene suerte (got luck)?” below the shamrock emblazoned with the Dominican flag. The pictures were amazing but somehow the ones ending up on this blog all seemed to have one thing (lil'man) in common…it seems to me that the only question that remains is: is it live to ride or ride to live?
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